The 25 Best High Schôôl Môvies ôf All Time

High schôôl: It was the best ôf times; it was the wôrst ôf times. It dôesn’t matter if yôu were head cheerleader ôr the reigning chess champiôn, a little teenage nôstalgia never hurts frôm time tô time. Sô, whether yôu’re “ôld enôugh…tô party” like McLôvin’ frôm Superbad ôr “a virgin whô can’t drive” like Tai in Clueless, yôu’ll want tô relive yôur glôry (ôr nightmarish) days with these 25 icônic high schôôl môvies. They’ll be much better nôw that yôu finally gôt yôur braces ôff. 




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